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Essential Boosting Just the Way You Need for CSGO

Despite the attention paid to it, there is not enough detailed information about the system. And today we will analyze the relevant information: the ranking system in CS GO for 2019. With the fast csgo boost this is important now.

In-game indicators: rank, rank, ranks what is it?

The title is an in-game indicator of newcomers to CS: Global Offensive. The scale of experience and levels, located in the upper left corner of the profile, is the title received for the entire time of the game.

A rank (or rank) is a subclass of ranks. Thanks to him, the system selects opponents in rating (competitive) games. Depending on the rating, the system will select either weak players or strong (pros).

Ranks – this can be said to be an analogue of MMR in Dota 2, only without scoring. The growth principle is quite simple and clear: the more often you win, the higher the rank.

  • The lowest rank is Silver 1, and the highest – Global Elite

Promotion: system

First you need to figure out what rank you want to achieve. However, do not forget that the ranking system has some nuances. For example, beginners must win 10 times in competitive mode in order to receive their first rank. Only two victories per day are counted, therefore, the promotion will take five days.

Tip: if you are a beginner and want to join the game, look through the guides of professional players and read the necessary information – this will help you quickly find your way.

Once you finish these ten matches, you will be assigned to one of the 18 skill groups – Skill Group. Which group you get into will depend on the results. Further promotion will occur according to the same system, only now you can also unite with players whose ranks are in the range + 5 / -5 from yours.

The exact formula for calculating MMR is unknown to anyone. But there are assumptions about the scheme of work and how ranks are aparated by this system and a rating is awarded:

  • +25 for victory
  • -25 per defeat

One rank is a positive “balance” of 200 points. In theory, everything sounds cloudless, but getting a title in practice is much more complicated.


Tip: you need to improve your skill and devote time to the game thanks to this, you become more experienced. Do not forget that the best way to improve your rank is to win. If the game is “stuck” for a whole month, the skills group will disappear. To return it, you need a win or a draw in the match. Until you return it, you will not have the opportunity to play with owners of ranks higher than Master Guardian 1.

About Meagan Francis

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